Yes, I am seriously speaking. We live in a society in which human rights have been ursurped by dogs. And who are they that have transfered the rights of man to dogs?? Dogs nowadays don't feed on crumbs of bones like we saw growing up. It is men who now look for crumbs - but to no avail.
The rich and powerful - of course! Who else? Aren't they the ones who champion the social gospel of Christ? And don't they occupy the front seats in the church at congregation? Akin to the pharisees?
Yet these are the people who have taken away the fundamental human rights of the poor to food.. Not only that, these rights have been transfered to dogs.
And yes, that is what is envoke. Rich and powerful people keep a 'foreign dog/s', feed them on a foreign meal at a dollar price per day - a cost relative per day capable of alleviating hunger in large communinal house holds for a week in Ghana.
Well, these days there are rationalising but untenable arguments about security etc. Of course, the rich man has the right to protect himself, his family and property from intruders with all the dogs they want.
However, the rich man has more to fear from hungry neighbourhood mobs whose rights to food has been transfered to watch dogs. The hungry masses are the ultimate threat to the rich and powerful. And even though the beastly dogs may protect them -for a while-after eating the fat crumbs - animals have never been able to tame man in the course of history. Therefore, ultimately, dogs can never protect man from man's machinations against man. This makes the security argument an illusion.
What is sad about this 'popular culture' is how unaware, or rather more appropriately, how unconcerned or indifferent, rich people are about what destruction it is they are doing to the human society - the elevation of so - called pet - animals above poor people.
Let me just remind all the rich and powerful people - lawyers, doctors, bankers, politicians, business men, pastors, con men, artists, journalists, foot ballers etc etc - that if they ever die any where in the absence of their family, or friends, their well fed dogs will have no role to play. The poor starving neighbour may give them a burial or even a police report. Better still, since the rich have become obsessed with their own funerals, and since funerals are all about human numbers to dignify them, let the rich men and women be aware that Dogs - foreign or local breeds - do not attend funerals. Again, they will need the poor miserable masses to make up the numbers for their final dignity - that's if they have any left at end of their greedy lifes!
It's a shame!
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