
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Telling our side of the story - My second political attempt

The first time I run for political office, I lost the ballot completely albeit, I enjoyed a good measure of fame. It was student politics in 2005 when I run for sports and Entertainment secretary. That campaign was run haphazardly. With some creativity, I raised some little funds which barely covered the cost of feeding my three - man campaign team. Nevertheless, we did it. I particularly enjoyed the manifesto reading in front of large crowds of students. The grand entry into the arena. And the accompanying appellations from my ashanti friend and class mate Tiwaa Opoku Ware. She added some poise to the entry with her surprise act which differentiated me from the rest of the candidates. I wore a black jacket and tie - first time in school. I became a spectacle for the many student fans who showed me love - but not with their votes. They called me SaCut 'TheGeneral'... I also remember the deep and affectionate hug I received from miss Sefakor Vowotor - my super star campus 'girl friend' that never was. She was impressed beyond the point that she could not hide her feelings from her friends when I met them in the crowds after the speech. She hugged me so closely. But that is all I got. All that deluded me into thinking I was going to win. I lost. And when I lost, I got a hair shave, an extreme make - over, to disguise myself. I was completely stupefied. When my dean of students met me the morning after the declaration of results, he was surprised to see me smiling - and he said it, that I was such a 'cheerful looser'. Yes, I am unlike some other politicians we know in Ghana. He was happy to have such a good sports man as a student of his. Well that was over seven (7) years ago and it marked the beginning of my political adventurism. Since then I have supported other people's candidature for political office including some of my best friends. I even supported and actively campaigned for the first female candidate in the presidential primaries of my political party. I was my candidate's official polling agent at congress. I have decided to run for political office - again. This time, it is national politics. This time, I have experience. The ruling NDC is going to congress in November to elect new national executive officers who will form a committee to run the political party for the next four (4) years. I have seen a weak link in the current national executive structure of the party. It is the propaganda secretariat. The current secretary in charge of Propaganda is Richard Quashiga who is currently preoccupied with parliamentary duties. But even before then, he has been a pale shadow of his predecessor Fiifi Kwetey who is my all time best propaganda secretary of the NDC in the time of opposition. Richard Quashiga has simply been a failure in his attempt 'to tell our side of the story' to the people. He has been constantly reactive to issues that emanate from the opposition. He eventually lost control to the government communications team which has since taken over and are 'attempting' to 'tell our side of the story' to the people. I believe that this very crucial branch of the party structure must be rescued and the much needed propaganda WAR properly and strategically waged. It is a very crucial psychological warfare because it is the means by which political parties win or loose the hearts and minds of the people to their side. I can't imagine anybody in my league within the NDC doing it better as a secretary of propaganda than myself. This is the bases of my ambition. So: I am going to offer myself to be elected by the NDC delegates when nominations are opened officially. There are two positions here. The secretary and his deputy. As a strategic move, I am running for deputy propaganda secretary. In four years from now, God willing, I would've been totally prepared to take on the full Job. I have revealed my ambition to a few friends and close allies. I have also mentioned it on radio a couple of times. Recently, some daily news papers put out a story about prospective candidates in which included my name. All these little pieces of publicity put together seem to have communicated sufficiently the intention of my candidacy - and I think my rivals are unsettled. I was sitting in the studio the other day readying for that weekly radio interview that I have agreed to grant to Bobiyie Ansah on agoo 103.5 fm. Whiles I was setting up my tools, an old friend of mine Peter Boamah Otokunor walked into the studio. Apparently he was just driving by the station and decided to come up and greet - according to him. After greeting he said to me ' I hear you are planning to contest me'. Whiles he talked, he was smiling with it. He appeared to have a 'sense of entitlement' to a certain position I want to contest. 'What is your name', I asked him with a stern look, also smiling. He was amazed by my question, knowing that I know his name too well. 'You mean you don't know my name'? He asked me. I think he was now confused - for a moment. 'Are you called propaganda secretary? or deputy propaganda secretary?', I asked him. He laughed. He told me he run for the post of deputy propaganda secretary the last time and lost to the incumbent, and now, naturally, he wants to go back for it. But now he is hearing about my candidature and welcomes it because, according to him, 'it will make the race exciting'. Of course I bring excitement. But not only that, I bring competence, practical experience and acumen. I laughed off his bluff and suggested to him to perish his ambitions immediately to avoid being mashed up by me in the elections. He laughed it off - of course! He walked out of the studio not long after that with food for thought. So: it will seem to me that my intentions have been sufficiently communicated and the battle lines are being drawn for the start of the PROPAGANDA WAR! I will soon put together my campaign team so I welcome all volunteers on board to help present 'our own side of the argument'. SaCut 'commandante' Amenga - Etego - Ghost Writer, broadcaster, multi - media journalist and politician

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