Who is dividing? And who is ruling NDC?
Are we not in deep trouble when our party General secretary Asiedu Nketia aka General Mosquito begin to tell us, that our party the NDC was founded on the basis of 'divide and rule'?
Is this history or "mis - history"?
...and that due to his adroit leadership, such a 'bad foundation' has been uprooted?
Having scored such a cheap political point, our beloved general secretary proceeds to accuse some contestants of the National executive positions of making attempts to reintroduce 'divide and rule' into the party..
Self - conceited about his own powers and level of control within the NDC, our general secretary went on to literally threaten we - the - party - people - and our delegates - to not attempt to vote in 'useless people' to work with him as GS at NEC or else, despite being unopposed, he will not "waste his time" working for the party.
Very interesting! Let's clap hands for general Mosquito. And whiles clapping for him, let us remind him that we are not in a Mosquito Republic!
Please allow our honorable delegates who voted you into power, again, on their own free will, and in their own wisdom, choose the leaders for the NDC this time round without your "undue influence" which you are trying very had to impose on the delegates with this "emotional blackmail".
Mr. Asiedu Nketiah! please be a domocrat. If the NDC delegates choses our new leaders, those leaders will not be 'useless people' just because you say so.
We respect you as our general secretary but we reject your 'divide and rule' tactics which you falsely claim that you have eliminated from the NDC.